Synthesis vs Analysis of a Single Side Band signal.
by VA7KL ex-VA7FFT
admin at va7kl dit com
The first QSO with both: advanced quadrature detector and Synth-SSB is with British Columbia Public Service Net (BCPSN), streamed to Youtube 2023-01-25, net side and my side (70wt linear PA): |
The latest QSO with Synth-SSB only is with British Columbia Public Service Net (BCPSN), streamed to Youtube 2021-12-29, net side and my side (70wt linear PA). This is the latest embedded software, no filtering or other tricks, but with all defects fixed. Previous audio artefacts are gone: |
BCPS Net was streaming to Youtube 2021-08-04, net side and my side (70wt linear PA). Compare the audio and panorama of my VA7KL with VA7QB (ICom7300 100wt) and VE7CRT (KX3+KXPA100 100wt), from nearby QTH: |
BCPS Net was streaming to Youtube 2021-08-11, net side and my side. Compare my VA7KL with VA7QB and VE7BCJ from nearby QTH: |
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